Transmission 修复 & 服务

We're the experts in heavy duty transmission. 国内买球的正规网站有哪些的产品和服务能力可以帮助您延长变速器的使用寿命, maximize uptime, 并体验最佳性能-所有这些都能帮助您按时交付, on-budget, and on-expectations.


  • Diagnostics.

    变速慢或变速箱打滑问题? 国内买球的正规网站有哪些执行电子诊断和测试以查明问题所在.

  • 修复.

    From clutch plates to flywheels, 国内买球的正规网站有哪些能够快速修复部件并解决使您的卡车下降的问题.

  • 重建.

    We can break down, 清洁, 服务, 修复, 重新组装你的变速器,让你重新上路.

  • Replacement.

    想安装一个新的变速器而不是买一辆新卡车? 国内买球的正规网站有哪些是艾利森变速器的授权经销商.

  • Remanufactured.

    比起买一个全新的变速器,我更喜欢另一种选择? 国内买球的正规网站有哪些是保修支持的艾里逊变速箱工厂ReTran®再制造变速箱和威勒再制造变速箱的授权经销商.

  • For all heavy duty transmissions.

    国内买球的正规网站有哪些服务和维修所有中型和重型车辆变速器, including: diesel truck transmissions, 18-wheeler semi-truck transmissions, bus transmissions, fire truck and emergency vehicle transmissions, construction vehicle transmissions, 和更多的.

Consider it done.



Since 1980, W.W. 国外正规买球app已被公认为领先的半卡车传动专家. 而国内买球的正规网站有哪些的声誉建立在国内买球的正规网站有哪些与艾利森变速器的合作上, our 服务 centers are able to 修复, 重建或更换任何品牌和型号的卡车变速器或重型变速器. Including yours. Here's how:

  • SPEC Tool© Investment Analysis
  • Driveline Spec'ing with iSCAAN
  • Allison DOC™ Software
  • Allison TransHealth™
  • Experienced factory-trained technicians
  • Fully equipped 服务 trucks to reduce downtime


This was my first time using W.W. 虽然我的车是肯沃斯,但他们的变速器和我的一样. 整个团队都很棒,他们的客户服务和知识都是惊人的. They were so good I bought them all lunch. I will definitely be returning. 

Freight Shipping and Trucking Company Transmission 服务

W.W. 国外正规买球app一直做得很好,他们是国内买球的正规网站有哪些地区唯一真正好的传输设施. 

Waste Management 服务 Truck 服务

The customer 服务 W.W. 国外正规买球app provided was excellent. Steven was knowledgeable about what he was doing. 他试着在电话里向国内买球的正规网站有哪些解释,态度很好,也很积极. 

Independent Truck Driver Allison Transmission 服务

I would recommend W.W. 国外正规买球app的变速器,因为他们非常擅长变速器. 

Commercial Real Estate Firm Vehicle 服务

W.W. 国外正规买球app provides quality work that is efficient. 

County Commission Allison Transmission 服务

W.W. 国外正规买球app did good work and they were knowledgeable. 

Used Car Dealership Allison Transmission 服务 on Tow Truck

国内买球的正规网站有哪些当时在房车里,有艾利森变速器的密码. W.W. 国外正规买球app检查了代码,发现传输需要对程序进行升级. 国内买球的正规网站有哪些发现这个办公室是国内买球的正规网站有哪些去过的最专业的办公室之一. 当你遇到麻烦的时候,这就是你要找的地方. They were professional and personal. 国外正规买球app应该为有这样的员工为他们工作感到自豪. 


All Makes. All Models.

除了艾利森传动和威勒传动, we represent some of the top brands in the industry. Here's a small sample.

WheelTime Promise

Get It Done Right, The First Time.

W.W. 国外正规买球app is a member of the WheelTime 服务 Network, 一个遍布美国和加拿大的服务网点,致力于在最短的时间内让你重新上路.

The Wheeltime Promise
  • Initial assessment within two hours of arrival
  • Completed 修复s in the fastest time possible
  • We will meet the cost estimate given
  • We will meet the time estimate given
  • We will notify you within 30 minutes after last labor
  • We will do it right, the first time